Δευτέρα 9 Ιανουαρίου 2012

Final Drawings

Final Landscape Drawing

This is an 1 hour and 20 minutes sketch.Is good because it has foreground and background.It is focused on the trees and yard behind the wall at the front and it has some peripherals in not so high detailed and in a more lighter tone.The houses on the mountain are not the main sketch so they are just outlines,as the trees in the background,just some lines to show what is behind the main scene.

Final Still Life Drawing

This is a 45 minutes sketch.This still life drawing has a good composition of the items,exept the darker box  in the middle which not looks like too hidden behind the bottle because of the shape of the elipse it has.But the fabric looks really in front of the box and around the bottle.The depth is succesfull because the items really look in a different depth each and not touching,The value of color is right,showing as where the light hits the items and makes the items more realistic.

Final Life Drawing

This is a 35 minutes drawing.The weight is good shown in this static pose,because she is really looks like she is put her weight on her hand,nevertheless tha main body has to be more curved to be shown better.That is why the head tilts slightly on the hand is based on.The gesture shows she is calm and just sitting and watching something and that s what the drawing whants to show.The model doesnt push her body on something thats why there is not so many muscles planned.The posture is good because looks like she is really sit on the couch,and so the couch is a little pressed.

week 12

This is a 15 minutes sketch.The fabric on the left side in not like touch the ground ,although the model is like put his wait on his right hand and rest on the ground.Some shadows needed around the fabric to look on the floor.The drawing has good Gesture and weight.Some muscles are planned on the shoulder but more emphasis on the skeleton.

Good gesture on this sketch.The feet should have been more like touching the ground and table so the model would be like supports on his body and put his wait on his feet.good back and shoulder.

This quick sketch has good pose like bending on the front.There are some muscles planned succesfull on the right hand and shoulder and not so good on the left.The balance is good but the hidden part of the  hand couldnt be so long to rest his head on.The eclipse should be more sharp to look like he is sitting on the table.

week 11

In this quich sketch the balance is very good.the feet are planned well and they seem like they are looking on the other side,the same for the hands are look like resting behind but the bad thing is the shoulder which is too hard planned and its like a differnt part of the sketch and not combined.The knee is a bit too low.
This is a quick sketch.The model looks like resting his arm on his shoulder,nevertheless the fingers does not exists to show he is catches his shoulder.The pose is good shown but his main body is too long and skinny.

This is a quick sketch.Just the skeleton and some muscles are planned.It is kind of good because The models is like really put his weight on the stool bending and based on it.The head is not sucesfull and the curve on his back is a bit sharp.But the posture is shown good.

week 10

This is a 10 minutes sketch.The contours are kind of good,not to much loose or hard.The shoulders are too curved,have to be more formed,and the stool she sits on has to be a little bit bigger.The drawing has the right expression of mood,in the hands and legs, the pose is calm with no  special intensity,and this is shown.The face should be planned to give more life in the drawing.